01323 404744 | info@candcautoservices.co.uk
Book your Wheel Alignment check today with C & C Auto Services in Hailsham using our online booking system.
Are your tyres wearing down much quicker than expected? Noticing a squealing noise when driving or is your vehicle pulling to one side? These are all symptoms of misaligned wheels that will require correction.
Misaligned wheels can happen over the day to day use of your vehicle. A pothole, hitting the curb and minor collisions can all alter the alignment of your wheels.
Below are some of the signs that may indicate your wheels are misaligned:-
For more information on our wheel alignment services contact C & C Auto Services in Hailsham call us on 01323 404744 or send us a message using our contact form.
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Just in case you're not sure, here's how to check your tyre size.